Sunday, January 17, 2010

Richard Dawkins believes in Aliens

Just finished watching "Expelled" by Ben Stein and I was struck by the ending interview with Richard Dawkins in which he admits that he has no explanation on how life started (not how it evolved but how the first organism came to be). Richard put forth the idea that life was seeded by an alien life form as an explanation for the origin of life. It seems that an advanced alien life form coming to earth and seeding earth is nothing different than saying God seeded the earth which is a common deist or theist view point.

If life was seeded by an alien life form would you not want to know what their purpose for humanity was? Would you not want to seek out their motivations? What they think of how their creation has evolved? If these questions sound familiar then you are right these are the same questions people that believe in God ask about their creator.

While I am appalled at the way "Expelled" tries to link modern evolution to the holocaust, I think they hit the nail on the head when it comes to hating an idea with out evaluating it scientifically.

While it is not possible to scientifically prove the God of the old testament exists it may be possible to prove that we were designed. Especially since evolution provides no explanation of the origin of life only the origin of the species.

Please note Richard Dawkins does still believe that it is more likely that life originated on earth and that aliens seeding life is just one of the many possibilities.

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