Monday, July 20, 2009

Focus on the family is trying kill health care.

I just received a forward from someone with a link to the focus on the family website saying that the national health care plan endangers the pre-born.

Really? Does anyone actually believe that because an abortion costs 300 dollars people are going to decide to go through with it because it is covered by insurance???

I do not believe in abortion but I can not fathom why they would make this an issue with health care. They use phrases like "set the pro-life movement back decades" and "an increase in abortions the like of which has not been seen since row vs wade".

This just seems absurd as long as abortion is legal people will have it done. I don't care how poor you are you can come up with 300 dollars, or use one of the many aid agencies out there that help woman pay for it.

This just seems like a stall and scare tactic they use to try to prevent people who actually need health care, the unemployed from actually getting it.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Death Penalty to the Amish

I was talking to one of my Christian friends who had a cousin that was attacked and abused. He said that the person who did it should "fry in the chair". It reminded me of a story a while back in which a young kid hit and killed a whole family of Amish people. The only one in the buggy to survive was the father and son. The mother and all the remaining children were killed.

To normal people forgiving the high school student that took away your entire family would seem too much to ask, yet this Amish farmer went out of his way to get the charges dropped against this kid. Every year the kid who is now married and has children of his own returns to the Amish farmers house where they have dinner together.

There was another example of this in the Amish school house shootings in which they urged the public to forgive the man that had committed such a horrible crime. Evening looking at the story of Jesus in the bible someone who came to help people was put to death by the very people he was trying to help. His last dieing act was to forgive the people that had committed this crime.

Why are evangelical Christians so filled with hate instead of forgiveness when the most important figure in their bible forgave what seems to be unforgivable.

Which is more valuable a baby or a jew.

Every day I am surrounded by Christians that say there is a holocaust going on in our country. So I ask them if you were alive during Nazi Germany and had the chance would you have killed Hitler to prevent the death of 6 million Jews? They always answer without hesitation YES. When it comes to abortion something they see as murder it is a different story. They not out trying to kill abortion doctors so the question is, is a Jewish life in Nazi Germany more valuable than an American baby?

Abortion doctors are not hard to get to they do not have the protection of secret service or armed guards. Each one according to you kills thousands of children over their life span as a doctor. Over one million a year in the united states alone are aborted.

Why are you not on a roof or planting a bomb?

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Declare your support for healthcare

I find it absurd we live in a modern country and fail to provide universal health care to all of our citizens. Every other modern country provides this service and most have better health care then the US.

Yet after talking with co-workers (mostly republican) they have nothing but negative things to say about it. Republicans are masters of scare tactics, it will cost too much, we will all become communists, no one will have to work if they provide health care. All of this will result in the total demise of our way of life in the US. With all of this hate mongering and fear I think there is a good chance this plan is dead on arrival.

Estimated cost of the health care plan it 60 billion and in a world where we spend 500+ billion on ways to kill people this does not seem like a large price tag.

To quote Obama "a better opportunity to remake the nation's health care system may not arise for generations."
  • Reduce Costs — Rising health care costs are crushing the budgets of governments, businesses, individuals and families and they must be brought under control
  • Guarantee Choice — Every American must have the freedom to choose their plan and doctor – including the choice of a public insurance option
  • Ensure Quality Care for All — All Americans must have quality and affordable health care

Declare your support: